GenerousMind -Generous Mind partners with thought leaders and organizations to develop and release their ideas to the world. Our vision is to empower thought leaders and organizations with the understanding, the capacity and the tools to share their ideas with the world.
The Site owners believe that a Generous Mind is one that has several key
1. observant of the world around it
2. disciplined not to lose the precious thoughts that pass by
3. passionate about knowledge transfer
4. wise to understand what ideas a specific person needs.
Being a Generous Mind is not an automatic thing. Some people find it easier than others, but everyone must work to show generosity in this way. Our passion is to help people see the power of being generous with their ideas and to work with organizations around the world to develop content that has a powerful impact on the lives of people. - Since our founding in 2007, we’ve been working hard to help bring communities access to clean water and we’ve made some amazing progress thus far. When we first started, the UN estimated that 1.1 billion people lacked basic access to clean water. Today that number has decreased drastically to 841 million. We’re on a mission to close that gap entirely, but we couldn’t have made it this far without YOU!
Online Giving
This forum discussion on OSCAR is about online charity giving sites, and how
they operate. A nice list of links is provided.
This section includes information on financial services and issues as they
relate to missionaries and overseas Christian workers