Generosity-alive and warm in Your Heart Gives more Effectively when Your Mind is Informed and Discerning - Helping Your Heart

Worthy Causes Deserving Generosity

Via the internet we can make some interesting friends around the world. One such friend does a lot of traveling around the world in his line of work, and he meets a lot of these small mom-and-pop type of missions or ministries in all kinds of needy countries. Usually they are nationals from that country who see a great need and are doing what they can to meet it - however, they don't have time or funds to go on speaking tours in wealthier first-world countries to do "fund-raising."

The Global Nomad, has often informed me of these worthy operations and wondered what I could do to give them some international attention on the web - all in the hopes that generous hearts and minds would take up their cause and help out. This site is a result of our brainstorming.

So I've begun to produce full-length web-pages describing some of these worthy causes as simply and vividly with the photos they send me. We call these Profiles. As we have time we'll continue to add more Profiles in this part of the site. Please look them over and if you sense a prompting to help them out, do not hesitate to reach out a generous hand.

Bread of Life

Bread of Life’s aim is not to be unique but to be effective. The goal of BOL is to help the poor and helpless in Romania physically and spiritually. 10 years ago Bread of Life’s founder Cecil Pagel established an orphanage in Brosteni, Romania at the request of the town’s mayor. Prior to the orphanage there was no humane option for local orphans some of whom were found locked in a room.

Short Reports & Links to Previous Reports

AMEN The founder Gareth Bolton was repeatedly meeting Christians in developing countries who had it all except one thing, sufficient resources to allow them to fulfil the calling upon their lives. He felt that the best way to solve this was to let people know of the opportunity to partner with the wonderful work taking place and challenge them to support it through the charity AMEN . . . .READ MORE

Bridgeway Publications - We have discovered a retired missionary couple in Australia with a wonderful plan to provide a basic library of Christian resource books for pastors and teachers in the poor churches of many third world countries. . . . . READ MORE

Challenge Newspaper is a Christian paper becoming available in many parts of the world. It shares GOOD NEWS, something you don't see in many other newspapers. It can also be localized for your area.. . . . READ MORE

Club 52. There are many admirable projects around the world. Many of these projects are closely linked with us and we have met the folk involved personally. How wonderful it would be to share some resources and thus encourage them in their faithful service. We are forming a club of 100 folk willing to donate . . . READ MORE

Eagles' Rest is seeking to address a previously unrecognised need for Asian Pastors and their families, as well as other Christian workers, to find a place of rest and restoration. Particularly those who are living in poverty and hardship and would otherwise have no means to find relief. They may be in need of basic medical assistance or some form of counseling. . . . . READ MORE

Enroute - A Cross-Cultural Mission Course
All Nations Christian College, in Hertfordshire, England, last year started a short term course, called enroute meant especially to prepare people for cross-cultural ministry. This Christian College trains. . . MORE

Entrust Foundation - identifies projects that fall under the radar of many larger NGOs and builds collaborative partnerships with local people, to help them with encouragement, teaching and funding . . . . READ MORE

Global Hand's Helpful website
The Global Hand website helps to make connections between corporate resources and those battling poverty around the world. We have a bit more about them in the way of a brief profile. . . . READ MORE

Gogo Olive - is a ministry in Zimbabwe that trains women prisoners to knit stuffed animals as an income-generatign initiative. Business is picking up!

Home of Peace - is situated in rural Kenya and provides a home for 80 very vulnerable children. Without the home these children would be either living on the streets, begging and stealing or in all likelihood would have died. READ MORE

Hope of Glory - Peggy told our Global Nomad about how she came to start house churches in Africa. Some of her "church members" go on to start many other house churches, however, they all face many challenges that could be solved with . . . . READ MORE

IHP (International Health Partners) is a UK based NGO involved in the pharmaceutical business, receiving donated medical supplies and, working with partners, seeing them distributed as far afield as North Korea. . . . . . READ MORE.

on Eagles Wings Project - Siegfried Klassen is the Operation Mobilization Field Leader in Uruguay, South America. He and his family have been working on a special project on a large working farm.

Searchlight Orphan Care in Malawi, Africa - Pastor Duncan Nyozani has been introducing his orphanage in Malawi, West Africa to me. What impressed me first was that this man is not only passionate about helping his orphans, but he is articulate and has thought through some important dyamics about raising funds for the orphanage Instead of always holding out a hand for support from "rich Americans," Pastor Duncan would just like enough help to start up some enterprises that the orphans could handle. Then over some time they could be a self-sustaining ministry. . . . READ MORE

Starfish Malawi. The interview is with Chris Knott, who gave up his business in England to start up the ministry in Malawi. They have a surprisingly LOT of Programs going on!

Verity Films - Verity Films tells stories by producing films, to share the Gospel, to bring health and hygiene awareness and to bring social upliftment to the remotest tribes and various people groups of India. See Verity Films for the full interview. - Spreading the Gospel by radio is a niche that Galcom International has cornered. Have you heard of them?

Burundi-Bumps-and-Blessings. - Pastor Isaac Oyako recently experienced some Burundi bumps and blessings. He is the Evangelist and Bible teacher for Revival Time Ministry in Uganda.

[Notes regarding applying to have your ministry profiled here.]

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada