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Burundi Bumps and Blessings

Pastor Isaac Oyako recently experienced some Burundi bumps and blessings. He is the Evangelist and Bible teacher for Revival Time Ministry in Uganda. But last fall he was invited to speak in Kenya, where he got lots of love and affirmations. From there he got an invitation to come to Burundi, an exceptionally poor and war-torn country. The pastors there were hungry for some solid Bible teaching, and so Brother Isaac accepted and went see what he could do.

The good news is that the Maranatha Faith Assemblies (church) sponsored the school in their facilities free of charge; Isaac was able to teach the first course unit to 27 eager students. He was blessed in that regard.

But he wrote in his 3rd quarter report to supporters when he got home that he had a scare when he first arrived there. He noted that life is cheap in Burundi. Five minutes after he had checked into his hotel room two gunmen forced their way in and demanded his passport. "What are you doing in Burundi?" they wanted to know.

After rummaging through his luggage and finding nothing but clothing and his Swahili teaching materials, they explained that this was a normal practice in the capital, Bujumbura. Mainly they were looking for Rwandans, whom they would kill instantly.

Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world, and has been in a more or less constant state of war for decades now. Because of their animosity towards their neighbour, Rwanda, no road travel is permitted between the two countries. You can fly into Burundi, but if you want to take a bus or taxi, the drivers will stop at the border and let you off, and turn around.

Three of their presidents have been assassinated one after another. Anyone suspected of harbouring a Rwandan (assuming they want to take over this country) are killed extra-judicially.

In the midst of all this suffering and poverty a group of poor woman appealed to Brother Isaac to obtain $1,300 US so they could learn sewing and tailoring and thus be able to support their children. (Most of them are single mothers whose husbands have been killed at one time or another in this everlasting war).

Brother Isaac needs funds to keep his own sons in school, so raising this extra fund is rather mind-blowing, but his tender heart was touched with the plight of those desperate women. He has asked me whether I can speak of this and find some sponsor who could help out. (Or sponsors).

I've just checked my bookkeeping and discovered that I've maxed out my giving for the next month or so. . . .

But as I sit here thinking about this situation, I realize that it isn't going to stop the war and cruel things that go on in that country, but if it can buy some sewing machines, fabric, thread, and and pay for a teacher or two - then they can sew clothing - sell a few to others, and also buy something for their children to eat.

What's more, this would not be just one MaDonald's picnic and then the funds are down the toilet. If the mothers learn to sew and tailor well, they have a skill then can use to bring in income the rest of their lives.

What do you say? Would you like to invest in the lives of a number of mothers and their children - long term? All with one gift of $1,300 US (or equivalent)? Or if that project is underway, Pastor Isaac Oyako may be aware of another one we can help out.

Yes? Then send me a note via the contact form at: Reach Me. I'll connect you with Pastor Isaac Oyako to send the funds through him. He is going back there for another Bible School course wen he can. But I'm sure he would have ways of sending the funds ahead to a trustworthy person who could distribute it to the women.

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada