Generosity-alive and warm in Your Heart Gives more Effectively when Your Mind is Informed and Discerning - Helping Your Heart

Make Friends and Do Good

Sometimes the secular, or business world, discovers a principle and spreads it as if it is a wonderful truth to live by. Attraction marketing now teaches that you need to make friends and do good to them, solve their problems. Those of us who have been Christians for quite a while and know that the Bible teaches this may stop in our tracks and think, "Hey, that is what Jesus taught us!"

A few years ago I joined a program which trains members in how to develop a successful marketing strategy based on a principle called "attraction marketing." I've been watching some training videos on how to use social media for this approach. Last night I also watched a video from a huge annual conference of a large global nutrition/health company that I also belong to. I was curious to see what this speaker would suggest about social media marketing.

All of these videos point to this one principle: focus on making friends and do good - finding out what THEIR problem is, and help them solve it!

"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." (Ephesians 4:32)

There is, of course, a danger that we will get so absorbed in using these principles for the sake of developing our business that we forget our right and proper motivation; we are to think of others first, and help them where we can, not just so we can get ahead in business, but for Jesus' sake. Because He set us this example of a generous, giving spirit, and He is the one who gives us the power by His Spirit to carry it out. We must not lose this perspective here.

I think our friends and strangers will be able to pick up on our motivation for all our friendliness, kindness and helpfulness. They can sense whether we are doing it for the points we get in our business, or because we love and want to please the Lord.

One way to guard ourselves in this regard might be in our daily prayers, (rather than affirmations). The founder of the new business I joined this week had a strong pep talk at the beginning of the orientation about setting goals and affirming them every single day for 10 minutes. I won't deny there is some value in affirming certain decisions or truths until our whole being believes them.

But James 4:13-17 came to mind, where we are instructed to make plans with the condition that we will do "this" if the Lords and grants us life. So I wrote out my goals with that proviso - "IF the Lord is pleased to bless and guide me I will do..." thus and thus, in such a time frame. I want to continue to look to Him for my leadership, rather than my own will power. (My will power has led me astray before!)

Still, I am greatly encouraged to see that I can continue to live by my Christian ethics for generosity and compassion for others, - if I make friends and do good - this will help rather than hinder me in business. My assignment will be to keep my motives pure.

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Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada